Revive Your Resume

Is your resume showing any signs of life? Are the digital vital signs weak lacking color, vitality and verve? Pump up the pulse of your file to get hired in today’s highly competitive market.

Most resumes that pass over my desk? They’re empty, soul-less documents void of the person, accomplishments and passions. It’s the black and white doldrums. How do you know if you need to revive your resume?

  • You are bored reading it.
  • You copy and pasted your job description into your resume.
  • It’s plain and generic. 
  • Job duties and jargon overwhelm your bullet points.
  • It’s not doing its job (ahem winning interviews)
  • It doesn’t describe the real you.


If you can relate, don’t worry, there is hope! Get the lifeblood back into your file with these 6 tips to quicken the pulse of the hiring manager to land THE job.

Design a clear format

It’s easy to be wooed by the drool-worthy resume templates on Pinterest or Etsy. Don’t fall for it. Most of these templates are designed by graphic design artists who rarely have insight into how resumes are read or the modern hiring process. Color and strategic design can still be there but stick with a one-column format that makes your unique blend of experience shine. Uniform formatting across your work experience is a must for your value to pop off the page. 

Include your LinkedIn Custom URL

Job applicants who list their LinkedIn profile link (that led to a robust profile) on their resume were 71% more likely to land an interview than those that didn’t, according to a 2019 study by ResumeGo. Ditch your default gobbly-gook of a link. Create your custom URL for a sharp look on your resume (placed with your contact deets) and hyperlink it in the file. Check out the how-to here.

Add a headline

This is the job title you are applying for. List this center stage on your resume underneath your contact details. It not only lets the reader know what position you are interested in but places your name next to the job role (a strategic branding move of word association).

Share your special sauce

Your resume is a marketing document and it’s selling you! Just like your favorite product labels, you have unique features and qualities that specifically qualify you to do work that you love. So, share it! Trade your lifeless work summary (no more “I am seeking…” statements) for your unique value promise. Greet your reader with a catchy statement in the top third of your resume that addresses what sets you apart, the benefits you bring to the table and how you uniquely solve company pain points.

Show your Impact

Rouse your document with your career wins. Replace dense paragraphs with lean, bulleted, achievement-driven statements by sharing the challenges you faced, the action you took to tackle the challenge and your results. And the more you can quantify your impact the better!

Check in quarterly

Avoid the hustle and stress of getting your file ready in a pinch. Check in with your document like you would a family member. Update her on your newest wins and gosh darn it, be specific about it! Make sure the file matches up with who you are now, so it’s just minutes away from pressing send.


Contributed by: Meg Applegate, Career Branding Coach & Award-Winning Resume Writer at Hinge Resume

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