Megan Tamte is CEO and Co-Founder of EVEREVE and mom to a 25 and 22 year old.
Alright — tell us you how you balance working and momming.
My husband, Mike, and I have always shared childcare responsibilities 50/50. Between the two of us, we took turns caring for our kids when they weren’t in school and needed an adult at home. During the summers, we hired a part time Nanny to help for a couple of years.
What keeps your plate full these days?
Leading EVEREVE and figuring out what the “empty nest” chapter of my life is going to look like. I’m saying “yes” to new opportunities, even if they feel uncomfortable, and I’m following my curiosity to see where it leads me.
What does your day-to-day look like?
As the Co-Founder/ CEO of a growing company, there is not typical work day, each day is different. The only thing that’s typical is my morning quiet time with God.
How does being a working mom impact your kids — either positively or negatively?
Most of what my kids have seen as they’ve watched me build EVEREVE are the hard parts of building a business. It’s my hope that my kids have seen me lean into the values I hold dear– the values of humility, empathy, authenticity, relationship & tenacity– as they’ve watched me face the many challenges at work.
What holds the biggest tension in trying to manage everything?
The biggest tension for me as I was trying to manage everything was my social life. I made the decision not to have a strong social life. During this busy season of life, I put my social life of hold so I could prioritize my faith, my family and my work. This was hard to do and made me feel lonely at times. The good news is now that my business and my kids are grown up, I have all the time in the world for my social life.
What’s one resource that would make your life easier?
Personal Chef.
How would you encourage other working moms who are overwhelmed and in the thick of it?
I would tell working moms who are overwhelmed to get really clear on their top three priorities. I would remind them to stay focused on getting the right things done, instead of trying to do everything.
Any last words about working motherhood?
My work gives me passion, energy and so much life. I’ve always believed the best gift I can give my children is to be a mom who is fully alive.
For more from Megan, follow her @megantamte and don’t forget to shop our favorite store, EVEREVE!